Content for the website is created by the following Partners

  • IDELUX Projets publics (BE – Arlon, Drève de l’Arc-en-Ciel, 98)
  • ATLB: Association Touristique du Luxembourg Belge (BE – Marche-en-Femenne, Boucle de la Femenne, 19)
  • FTPL: Fédération du Tourisme de la Province de Liège (BE – Liège, Place de la République Française, 1)
  • ORTAL: Office Régional du Tourisme des Ardennes Luxembourgeoises (LU – Vianden, Rue du Vieux Marché, 1A)
  • OTGV: Office du Tourisme du Grand Verdun (FR – Verdun, Place de la Nation)
  • Meuse Attractivité (FR – Les Trois Domaines, Centre d’affaires Coeur de Meuse, ZID Meuse TGV)

This website was created with funding from the aforementioned Partners and the European Union, through the Interreg VA Grande Région programme.

In accordance with the Belgian Intellectual Property Code, the use, representation or reproduction of any part of this website is strictly forbidden in the absence of the express, written authorization of the above Partners.


The content of the Land of Memory website is for informational purposes only. Partners may not be held liable for any modifications to this content over the course of time.


The Partners of the ‘Land of Memory’ website disclaim all responsibility and liability for the content of third party websites to which the ‘Land of Memory’ website is linked. If you wish to link to the website you should ask for permission from the Partners.


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Photos & videos : Project partners, M.Petit, G.Ramon, JM.Perraux, Ville de Verdun, OT Coeur de Lorraine, OT Damvillers-Spincourt, JJ.Weimerskirch, J.Vetter, B.Mankin, FrenchEntrée, La Lorraine Gaumaise, M. Laurent, Tranchée de Chattancourt, Département de la Meuse, A.Segers, A.Matthis, BWM, F.Collard, P.Fagnoul, Y.Gabriel, M.Dodet, OT de Liège, C.A.L. Province de Liège, provincedeliege_presse&multimedia, Baugnez 44 Historical Museum, Remember Museum 39-45, P.McKelvie, Fort de Battice, Fort d’Aubin-Neufchâteau, WBT – M.Vander-Linden, Maison du Souvenir, December 44 Historical Museum.



Person responsible for publication : All Partners mentioned above.

Webmaster : Aurore FOURNET

Design, development and hosting : SENSE BRUSSELS SCRL

  • Project & documentation Director : Dan AZRIA
  • Production manager : Arnaud GREGOIRE
  • Graphic director : Julie RICHTER
  • Script : KRIS
  • Drawings / Visuals : Nicolas DUCHENE
  • Web design : Eric NDEFO
  • Web development : Timothée LESKENS
  • Shooting & Editing Video : David Flies
  • Sound : Matthieu SAFATLY